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Chelsea’s mini-manifesto to boost Britain's markets

29 May 2024 — In the last decade, the UK’s economy and its stock market have been tarnished by a faltering economy and volatile politics. The economy has lost £140bn since Brexit*, global allocators have taken flight from the UK market, and London’s status as the global financial hub has been undermined. 


Spring Budget 2024: UK ISA announced

8 March 2024 — Facing an upcoming election and a fragile UK economic climate, the Chancellor of the Exchequer was challenged with crafting a Spring Budget that balanced voter appeal with a perception of responsible fiscal management.   Therefore, while the tax landscape is set to be altered significantly, the government took no chances with a budget that is expected to do little to change the fundamental economic picture.   The list of tax reforms started with a further 2p cut to National Insurance contributions, marking one of the largest individual tax reductions in UK history. Additionally, the non-domiciled resident “non-dom” tax regime is to be replaced with a new system, while adjustments to the child benefit system will see the High-Income Child Benefit Charge threshold lifted.


Alex Savvides announced as replacement on Jupiter UK Special Situations

12 January 2024 — It was announced that Ben Whitmore, manager of Jupiter UK Special Situations fund, will be leaving to pursue his own venture. Jupiter have named Alex Savvides as his successor on the flagship fund. Alex has spent his entire investment career at JO Hambro Capital Management (JOHCM), managing the £1.2bn JOHCM UK Dynamic fund.


2022/23 ISA tax year end deadlines

6 March 2023 – With the end of the tax year fast approaching, investors who have not already made the most of their tax allowances may like to know the deadlines for investments via Chelsea Financial Services.


CASE STUDY: My Inflation Beating Strategy

22 July 2022 - Sam Buckhurst opened his first ISA in the last year after starting a new job. Since he’s invested, the stock market has been volatile, it hasn't discouraged him too much, and he is carrying on investing monthly.


Best performing funds of 2021

16 December 2021 - 2021 has been another hard year for businesses and individuals, as we continue to battle the pandemic. But it’s been a positive year for many investors.


Aviva Investors Multi-Strategy Target Income fund to close

16 August 2021 - Aviva has announced that it is closing the Aviva Investors Multi-Strategy Target Income fund on 27 September 2021. This is because the fund has reduced in size and, when taking account of the running costs, the company has concluded that it would be in the best interests of investors to close the fund.


AXA Framlington Health manager change

6 May 2021 - AXA Investment Managers (AXA IM) has announced Dani Saurymper will be leaving its Healthcare team in June and that Peter Hughes and Linden Thomson will become co-managers of the AXA Framlington Health fund.


M&G Property Portfolio reopening for dealing on 10 May 2021

21 April 2021 - M&G Investment has announced that it will reopen the M&G Property Portfolio for dealing as of midday on 10 May 2021. The decision to lift the suspension has been taken by the Fund’s Authorised Corporate Director (ACD) and its Depositary, who are now satisfied the fund has a suitable liquidity position for customers who wish to sell their investment and for those who wish to remain invested. The Financial Conduct Authority has also been notified.


Merian funds rebranded post-Jupiter merger

15 February 2021 – Jupiter Asset Management has announced that, from today, the Merian funds in its range will be rebranded and renamed Jupiter. Merian Global Investors was created following a management buyout in June 2018. The business was subsequently purchased by Jupiter Asset Management in 2019. As part of the company’s ‘fresh start’, a new logo has been created along with a new Jupiter website, which also goes live today. The Merian website will be retired.


Change of manager for Man GLG Japan CoreAlpha

15 October 2020 - Man GLG has today announced that Stephen Harker and Neil Edwards, co-managers of Man GLG Japan CoreAlpha fund, are to retire in March next year. Jeff Atherton, another co-manager, will take over the lead role, supported by the existing team.


Baronsmead VCTs look to raise £40 million

23 September 2020 – With shareholder early bird savings of 0.5% and 0.75% for existing shareholders until 30 October (or on the first £7.5m raised in each of the 2 VCTs), Baronsmead is looking to raise £40 million, with a £35 million over-allotment facility across two VCTs.


First State and Stewart Investors funds have names changed

22 September 2020 - First State Investments has today rebranded to First Sentier Investors. The brand change is part of a global re-branding program which began in 2019 after First State Investments was acquired by Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation (MUTB), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Inc. (MUFG).


M&G Recovery gets a new manager

21 Sept 2020 - M&G has announced that Tom Dobell, manager of the M&G Recovery fund, will step down from his fund management responsibilities and leave M&G at the end of December. Michael Stiasny will take over the management of the M&G Recovery fund at that time.


Chelsea Fund Review Summer 2020: movers and shakers

14 July 2020 - The Chelsea research team has just completed its annual fund review covering more than 200 of our most widely-held funds, grouped into sectors. We give a brief round-up of high-profile upgrades and downgrades, as well as introducing clients to a number of new entries.


Change of manager for ASI Global Smaller Companies fund

25 June 2020 – Following the resignation of Alan Rowsell, lead manager of the ASI Global Smaller Companies fund since launch in 2012, Aberdeen Standard Investments has announced that Harry Nimmo will become co-manager of the fund, working alongside recently appointed co-manager, Kirsty Desson.


VT Chelsea Managed funds

29 April 2020 - There has been a minor change to the VT Chelsea Managed Monthly Income and VT Chelsea Managed Cautious Growth fund, in that we have changed the fund’s year end from end of April to the end of June.


Negative oil prices explained

21 April 2020 - Anyone watching their twitter feed last night, or the evening news, could be forgiven for thinking that the world – already in shutdown due to the Coronavirus – was going a little crazy: the price of a barrel of oil went below zero – effectively meaning that, if you had the space, you would be paid to take it!


Change of name for Investec funds

9 April 2020 - Investec Asset Management has become Ninety One Limited. Established in South Africa in 1991, as Investec Asset Management, the firm started offering domestic investments in an emerging market.


BNY Mellon Global Income fund manager departs

26 March 2020 (updated 30 March 2020) - Commenting on Nick Clay & team’s departure from Newton Investment Management, Juliet Schooling Latter, research director of Chelsea, said: “This is obviously a blow for the company – losing a team as opposed to one fund manager. After 20 years or so with Newton, the offer to move to RWC and launch a new franchise was obviously a very good opportunity and one that Nick felt was too good to turn down.


Spring Budget 2020: key points for savers and investors

12 March 2020 - It was perhaps inevitable that this Budget would be taken over by events out of its control. The Coronavirus is dominating headlines the world over and, naturally, the Government recognised that now was not the right time to be tinkering with taxation concerns and pension legislation.


Junior ISAs - paying for Uni and a house: get it done!

11 March 2020 - After a speech that lasted more than an hour this afternoon, and more shouts of “Getting it done” than we could keep up with, Rishi Sunak, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, failed to mention some good news for savers: the Junior ISA allowance is to almost double, rising from the current £4,368 to £9,000 next tax year.


ASI appointed manager of LF Woodford Income Focus fund

24 December 2019 - Aberdeen Standard Investments (ASI) has been appointed by Link Fund Solutions Limited as the new investment manager of the LF Woodford Income Focus fund. Subject to regulatory approval, the fund will be renamed LF ASI Income Focus fund and will be managed by ASI’s Charles Luke and Thomas Moore, supported by the 16-strong UK equity team led by Andrew Millington.


M&G simplifies fund charges

1 August 2019 – M&G has simplified the way it charges for its funds. Effective today – and with the exception of its property funds – the company is combining all fund charges into a single annual charge. Only exceptional items such as unforeseen legal and tax expense, will not be included. 


Woodford Equity Income: your questions answered

19 June 2019 - It is now more than two weeks since trading was suspended for LF Woodford Equity Income fund. During that time, we have received a number of queries from concerned investors. Below is a summary of the most-asked questions and our answers.


F&C funds renamed with new BMO brand

12 November 2018 - Founded as the Bank of Montreal some 200 years ago, BMO Global Asset Management is the eighth largest bank (by assets) in North America, and provides a broad range of financial services to more than 12 million customers. It acquired F&C in 2014.


Pembroke VCT - new B Share offer

We are pleased to confirm that Pembroke have a new share offer opening.  Pembroke are who are seeking to raise £20 million, with an over-allotment facility for an additional £20million. Click here for our independent Chelsea research note.


Fidelity Strategic Bond fund manager to retire

1 October 2018 - With a career spanning 40 years, Ian Spreadbury, manager of Fidelity Extra Income, Fidelity Moneybuilder Balanced, Fidelity Moneybuilder Income and Fidelity Strategic Bond funds has announced that he will be retiring at the end of 2018.


Old Mutual funds to be renamed

25 September 2018 - On 29 June 2018, the single strategy business of Old Mutual Global Investors was acquired by its management, in partnership with private equity firm TA Associates. From 1 October 2018, this new entity will be rebranded Merian Global Investors. At the same time, its funds will also be renamed.


Interest rate rise: keep calm and carry on

2 August 2018 - The Bank of England increased interest rates today for just the second time in a decade. The Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) voted to increase the base rate from 0.50% to 0.75%, marking the first move away from 'emergency' levels.


AXA Framlington UK Select Opportunities manager to retire

30 April 2018 - AXA Framlington have announced that, after 16 years at the helm of the AXA Framlington UK Select Opportunities fund, and an asset management career spanning almost four decades, Nigel Thomas is to retire in March next year. Chris St John will be come lead manager on the fund at the end of 2018.


UK wage growth overtakes inflation

17 April 2018 - The news today that wage growth is starting to overtake inflation is important for investors. Business margins in the UK have been relatively strong over the past five to 10 years. However, it's important to remember that the labour market is tight at the moment, and one of the biggest costs for businesses tends to be labour. If the cost of employment rises, this could hurt these margins.


Threadneedle property head to retire

14 February 2018 - Columbia Threadneedle Investments has announced that Don Jordison, managing director of Threadneedle Property Investments, and co-manager of the Threadneedle UK Property Authorised Investment Fund, is to retire on 1 May 2018.


R&M UK Equity Smaller Companies manager change

7 February 2018 - River & Mercantile announced this morning that Philip Rodrigs, manager of R&M UK Equity Smaller Companies and R&M UK Dynamic Equity funds, has left the company following an investigation into a professional conduct issue.


2017: Woodford's annus horribilis

7 December 2017 - It hasn't been a good year for Neil Woodford. He has faced setbacks from disappointing stocks such as Allied Minds, AA , AstraZeneca, Babcock and Purplebricks and, in the summer, doorstep lender Provident Financial fell by 70% on the news that its chief executive had resigned.


Change of name for Henderson funds

8 November 2017 - Following the completion of the merger of Janus Capital and Henderson Global Investors at the end of May, the combined company, Janus Henderson, has now announced that it will be renaming all of its funds from Henderson to Janus Henderson from 15 December 2017.


Interest rate rise: first of many or a one-off?

2 November 2017 - Commenting on today's interest rate rise, Darius McDermott, managing director of Chelsea Financial Services, said: “This was the right move from the Bank of England. In hindsight, the reduction to 0.25% after the Brexit vote was probably a mistake – an overreaction. 


Changes to Aggressive Growth EasyISA

5 October 2017 - Fundsmith Equity has replaced JOHCM Global Select and Fidelity American Special Situations has replaced Legg Mason Clearbridge US Aggressive Growth in the Aggressive EasyISA.


Investment ISAs boom as savers shun low rates on cash ISAs

4 September 2017 – Low interest rates and the introduction of the personal savings allowance have both contributed to a £20 billion* fall in the amount being deposited into cash ISAs. At the same time, inflows into investment ISAs has hit a record high, suggesting that savers are looking for potentially higher returns.


Woodford updates investors after top five position falls 70%

23 August 2017 – All fund managers have difficult periods in their careers and Neil Woodford is no exception. Having refused to buy technology stocks in the late nineties, and avoided banks in 2006, he has experienced periods of under-performance and his skills have been questioned before. However, his judgement has been correct more often than not and, over his 30 years in fund management, he has made a lot of money for investors.


Global dividends up 5.4% year-on-year

21 August 2017 – According to the latest Janus Henderson Global Dividend Index, global dividends hit an all-time quarterly record in June, with total payouts increasing 5.4% year-on-year to reach $447.5 billion. This is the fastest rate of growth since 2015 and good news for income-seeking investors, especially as the forecast for 2017 has now been upgraded to $1.208 trillion.


UK Equity Income sector - yield target changes explained

9th March 2017 - In a welcome move, which will result in more clarity for investors when comparing income-producing UK equity funds, the trade body that represents UK investment managers, the Investment Association (IA), has announced that the yield requirement for the UK Equity Income sector will be reduced.


Changes announced for Schroder Monthly High Income fund

11th January 2017 - Schroder Monthly Income fund is changing its name and investment objective. From 17th February 2017 the name will change to Schroder High Yield Opportunities and the investment objective will include capital growth (though the key focus is still income). 


Autumn statement – 60 second wrap

23rd November 2016 – So the autumn statement and the spring budget are henceforth abolished, to be replaced by a spring statement and an autumn budget. Once you've got that straight, we've summarised the remaining key news points you need to know about below.


Fifth birthday celebrations for the Junior ISA

1st November 2016 – Today marks the fifth anniversary of the Junior ISA. Since launch, our Junior EasyISAs have returned between 48%-69%*, and have turned a £50 monthly regular saving into a pot of between £3,300 and £3,700. Not a bad start for a child just beginning school, I'm sure you'll agree!


Property funds suspend trading

4th July 2016 – Following a significant increase in the number of investors redeeming their holdings, Standard Life Investments has suspended trading on its UK Real Estate fund.


Change of manager for Jupiter Japan Income fund

26th May 2016 – Jupiter Asset Management have today announced Dan Carter has been appointed lead manager of the Jupiter Japan Income fund, with immediate effect. Current lead manager Simon Somerville will be leaving Jupiter after 11 years.


Miton managers confirm move to Polar Capital

14th April 2016 - Following the announcement last week that George Godber and Georgina Hamilton, managers of the Miton UK Value Opportunities and Miton Undervalued Assets funds, had handed in their resignation at Miton, it has now been confirmed that they will be moving to Polar Capital, the boutique asset management house.


Miton managers resign

7th April 2016 - George Godber and Georgina Hamilton, managers of the Miton UK Value Opportunities and Miton Undervalued Assets funds, have handed in their resignation at Miton. Their notice periods are one year and six months respectively.


Chelsea Selection fund name changes

4th April 2016 - Phoenix Fund Services (UK) Limited (PFS), the Authorised Corporate Director (ACD) for a number of funds, was purchased by Maitland International Holdings Plc in April 2015.


What the 2016 Budget means for your savings and investments

16th March 2016 - Among a raft of smaller changes, including an increase to the annual ISA allowance, George Osborne, Chancellor of the Exchequer, announced an unexpected boon to young investors with a new Lifetime ISA. We have outlined details of the main changes that will impact your savings, investments and pensions:


Liontrust UK Micro Cap fund launches today

9th March 2016 - Liontrust UK Micro Cap fund has launched on the Chelsea FundStore today. Managed by the team behind the highly successful Liontrust Special Situations fund, this new fund will invest in companies with a market capitalisation of less than £150 million at the point of purchase.  


First State Greater China Growth re-opens to new investments

2nd March 2016 - First State Greater China Growth fund has re-opened to new investments. The fund, run by Martin Lau, a senior member of the famed First State Stewart Asia team, has consistently delivered outperformance and demand for the fund was so fierce that it was closed to new investments for four years.


Artemis UK Growth change of name & manager

4th February 2016 - As announced in June last year, Tim Steer, manager of Artemis UK Growth fund retired at the end of December and Ed Legget, who previously managed the Standard Life Investments UK Equity Unconstrained fund, has taken over the reigns.


Chelsea Selection manager given new fund to run

11th January 2016 - River & Mercantile (R&M) has given Philip Rodrigs a second fund to manage. The smaller companies specialist, who already runs the R&M UK Equity Smaller Companies fund, which is on the Chelsea Selection, is to take on the rebranded R&M UK Dynamic Equity fund, which invests in UK companies of all sizes, from Dan Hanbury.


Interest rates finally rise in the US

16th December 2015 - The US Federal Reserve (the ‘Fed’) has raised interest rates for the first time in nearly a decade. In a widely anticipated move, the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) voted unanimously to raise the cost of borrowing by 0.25%, ‘marking the end of an extraordinary seven-year period’ in the words of Janet Yellen, the Fed Chair.


M&G Global Basics gets new lead manager

14th December 2015 - M&G Investments has promoted director of global equities, Jamie Horvat, to lead manager on their Global Basics fund. Current manager, Randeep Somel, will continue to work alongside him.


Christmas opening hours

11th December 2015 - As Christmas draws ever closer, we thought you might like to know what our opening hours are over the festive period:


Junior ISAs now 4 years old

5th November 2015 - This month marks the fourth anniversary of the Junior ISA. Since launch, our Junior EasyISAs have returned up to 37.95%*, and have turned a £50 monthly regular saving into a pot of £2,457. Not a bad start for a pre-schooler, I'm sure you'll agree.


Name changes for five M&G funds

29th October 2015 - M&G Investments has announced that it is changing the name of five of its equity funds. Four of the funds will have the word 'Select' added to their titles, to better reflect their invest process, whereby the portfolios may be invested in a concentrated number of stocks at any time. The investment process remains unchanged.


Changes to First State fund names

22nd October 2015 - In March, we informed you that First State Stewart, the team that runs First State Investments' GEM, Asia and global equity mandates, was to be split into two investment teams on 1st July 2015; one based in Edinburgh (Stewart Investors), and the other in Hong Kong (First State Stewart Asia). First State believed that, by forming two smaller investment divisions, both teams would get greater flexibility.


Richard Buxton new role

24th September 2015 - Following our news release on 12th August 2015 regarding Richard Buxton taking over as CEO of Old Mutual Global Investors, we had a meeting with him to discuss how he was getting along in his dual role as both CEO and fund manager of the Elite Rated Old Mutual UK Alpha fund.


GLG rebrand's UK fund range

18th August 2015 - Fund Management company GLG has rebranded its range of 12 UK funds. As of today, the fund names will be changed from 'GLG' to 'Man GLG' to be more in keeping with its parent company, Man Group.


Old Mutual Global Investors gets new CEO

12th August 2015 - Old Mutual Global Investors have announced that, with immediate effect, Julian Ide is stepping down from his role as CEO and has been replaced by Richard Buxton, manager of the Elite Rated Old Mutual UK Alpha fund, which is on the Chelsea Core Selection.


New ISA death benefits explained

10 June 2015 - In his Autumn Statement in December 2014, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, George Osborne, announced a new benefit for ISA investors: money held within an ISA wrapper can now be passed on to a spouse or civil partner, without losing the tax advantages.


All change for M&G American

9 June 2015 – M&G American has been given a new name, manager and investment strategy. Now called M&G North American Dividend, and run by John Weavers, the fund will now focus on income as well as growth to maximise long-term total returns.


Brown Advisory US Flexible Equity awarded an Elite Rating

14 May 2015 - Managed by Hutch Vernon and his co-manager, Mike Foss, the unconstrained, multi-cap Brown Advisory US Flexible Equity fund was launched in the UK in 2014, Its strategy is based on a parallel fund, managed by the duo for more than 20 years in the United States. They are supported by a team of 21 analysts and fund managers.


Legg Mason funds to be renamed

30 April 2015 - Legg Mason is not like most global asset management companies. It is made up of a diversified group of global affiliates and, while their funds are branded 'Legg Mason', many are actually run by wholly-owned subsidiaries.


Liontrust continues fund manager recruitment drive and fund launches

23 April 2015 - Liontrust have recruited a third fund manager, Victoria Bates, for their Economic Advantage team. Victoria will join Anthony Cross and Julian Fosh, managers of Elite Rated Liontrust Special Situations fund, which is on the Chelsea Core Selection, and Elite Rated Liontrust UK Smaller Companies fund, in June 2015. She will work primarily with Anthony researching, analysing and selecting smaller companies for all the team's funds.


Old Mutual Global Strategic Bond manager steps down

21st April 2015 - Stewart Cowley, manager of the Old Mutual Global Strategic Bond fund, has announced that he will be retiring from fund management. He will relinquish management of the fund on 1st May 2015, and leave the company at the end of June.


Ignis funds to be renamed following company buy-out

20 April 2015 - Following their acquisition of Ignis in July 2014, and the integration of the business, Standard Life Investments has announced that the Ignis funds are to be renamed under the new brand. The changes will take place on 18th May 2015 and are detailed in the list below.


Proposed merger of Henderson European Special Situations

17 April 2015 - Richard Pease, the manager of the Henderson European Special Situations fund since its launch in October 2009, and James Milne, the assistant fund manager, are leaving Henderson Global Investors to join Crux Asset Management. When they join the company, they will become managers of the newly-established FP Crux European Special Situations fund.


Changes to First State Stewart team

17 March 2015 - First State Stewart, the team that runs First State Investments' GEM, Asia and global equity mandates, is to be split into two investment teams; one based in Edinburgh, lead by Angus Tulloch (Stewart Investors) and the other in Hong Kong, lead by Martin Lau (First State Stewart Asia). The split will take place on 1st July 2015.


New deputy manager appointed to Invesco Perpetual High Yield fund

25 February 2015 - Invesco Perpetual have announced that they have promoted Asad Bhatti to deputy manager of the Elite Rated Invesco Perpetual High Yield fund. He will join co-heads of fixed interest, Paul Causer and Paul Read in the management of the fund. The promotion is in recognition of the valuable contribution Invesco feel Asad has made to the fixed interest team over the past decade, playing a key role in generating investment ideas in the high yield bond space.


Neptune restructures

17 February 2015 - Neptune has announced that the company is undergoing a restructure, following a disappointing few years in terms of overall fund performance.


M&G Global Dividend manager apologises for disappointing performance

28 January 2015 - In an unusually candid open letter, Stuart Rhodes, manager of the M&G Global Dividend fund, has apologised to his investors for the disappointing performance of the fund in 2014. The letter, which is available on this link, addresses the reasons why the fund underperformed both its benchmark and sector average in the past calendar year.


Old Mutual Property fund to merge into Henderson UK Property

15th January 2015 - Last November, investors in the Old Mutual Property Fund voted in favour of merging the Old Mutual Property Fund with the Henderson UK Property OEIC. This merger has resulted in the Henderson UK Property OEIC increasing by around one sixth in size and will further diversify the property portfolio and tenant base of the Henderson UK Property OEIC. Henderson has undertaken due diligence on the incoming assets and is satisfied that the merger is in the interests of investors while independent valuations have been undertaken on the properties to ensure that the merger is fair for both sets of investors.


Top ten funds invested in JISAs by Chelsea Financial Services’ investors

13 November 2014 - Chelsea Financial Services today reveals the top-selling Junior ISA funds among its clients since the introduction of the tax-efficient savings and investment vehicle that encourages parents to save for their child's future. Junior ISAs were made available to the British public on November 1st 2011. * * *Chelsea Financial Services Junior ISA top ten best sellers**


The Savers' Revolution

9 October 2014 - The changes announced in the March budget were good news for investors, and the Savers Revolution looks set to continue. In the March budget, chancellor Osborne announced major reforms for defined contribution pensions. Under the reforms, pensioners will have complete freedom to draw down as much or as little of their pension pot as they want, anytime they want. There are no caps or drawdown limits.


FTSE's positive reaction to "No" vote

19 September 2014 - The FTSE has reacted positively to the news that Scotland has voted ‘no’ to ending the 307-year union with Britain, with Scottish shares seeing significant rises. While the ‘yes’ camp will be disappointed, this is generally perceived amongst fund managers to be the best outcome for the British economy. There is nothing the markets like less than uncertainty. And while the new devolution powers have yet to be thrashed out, the message of unity is a positive one for markets and the UK economy.


Schroder Global Property Securities fund manger change

15 July 2014 - Over the past eight years, Schroders has partnered with EII Capital Management Inc, in the running of the Schroder Global Property Securities fund. Both parties have now decided that this partnership has come to a natural end and, in future, Schroders will use its in-house expertise to manage the fund alone.


1st July 2014 – ISA independence day

24 June 2014 - ISAs have been around for 15 years now, and any tweaks to the tax wrapper during this time have generally been disadvantageous. The 2014 Budget finally reversed that trend and, having firmly moved the burden of responsibility for providing for our own retirement onto the individual, the government is finally trusting us to manage our money.


Manager resignation forces Cautious Growth EasyISA change

17 June 2014 - Martin Gray, manager of the Miton Special Situations Portfolio, has resigned from the company after 20 years. As a result, the fund has been taken off the Chelsea Core Selection and has been replaced in the Cautious Growth EasyISA Portfolio by Henderson UK Property.


15th anniversary of the ISA wrapper

24 March 2014 - The start of the next tax year marks the 15th anniversary of the ISA wrapper. It started its life under a bit of a cloud as the maximum allowance was lower than its predecessor, the PEP, and, over the years, some of its tax advantages have been cut.


Ignis Asset Management winds down underperforming funds

10 March 2014 - Ignis Asset Management is to close two underperforming equity funds, both of which appeared in the latest Chelsea RedZone. The UK Enhanced Income and Ignis UK Focus funds will be closed on 7th April 2014, subject to regulatory and shareholder approval.


Five years of 0.5% rates cost cash investors dear

4 March 2014 - Having had ultra-low interest rates for five years now, and the Governor of the Bank of England signalling that they will remain at their ultra-low level until after next year's election, we look at how taking on more risk would have rewarded savers in this time.